How to chill out with a mini meditation

Filed under: Psychic Mediums — Vivien on February 7, 2013

Set out below is three mini meditations to help you breathe more easily in everyday situations.

It is hard when in the midst of stress to look at your breathing and check yourself out and to remind yourself what is meaningful to you.

A mini meditation can be used on a train, sat in the office, in a moving lift to the top of a building or even sat in an airport lounge when your flight has been delayed.

One popular place is in the bathroom when life is getting a bit much or the children are over acting.

Just silently count your breathe – 1, 2, 3, and relax your body bit by bit. I like to start with my toes and move upwards in a slow manner.

After 5 breaths you can repeat in your mind the words ‘soft belly’, this is great at keeping your mind in focus.

However if you are walking just count 5 steps and then another five all over again until you start feeling calmer.

At work you may decide to be quiet sat at your desk or sat in the car, not all firms have a canteen so if that is the case try walking to a coffee shop and ‘be still’ at your table while others sat near you are engrossed in their own busy lives.

If there is any part of your body suffering or is a little tight with anxiety then focus on that part of the body and breathe the calmness to it.

If tension is in the home or work place why not breathe calmness to all by repeating everyone’s name and visualise the calm being spread around and that each person is well and happy. Do not forget to repeat the words soft neck as you do your mini meditation.

Travelling home on a bus or a train you can repeat this short but comfortable meditation, sending out relaxing thoughts can relax the space around you.

Note: to mini meditate you need to sit comfortably with your back straight or relax while walking and make good use of your breathing.

Now take begin to silently count at the end of each out breath: Inhale… exhale…then count as mentioned earlier, count one, inhale… exhale… two, inhale… exhale… three. Then start at one again. Just three breaths and back to one.

You can do these mini meditations any time, any place, just be aware of your mind and body calming you and others around you so that the stresses of living in this fast moving world can be eased.

Why guides and their mediums bond together

Filed under: Spirit Guides — Vivien on January 29, 2013

A guide will have been with a baby boy or girl when they are born, taking care of their ‘charge’ until they are ready to work for spirit in helping others.

A guide’s position or job is to (more…)

How a medium uses their gift

Filed under: Spirit Guides — Vivien on January 15, 2013

A medium will benefit from allowing their spirit guides to work with them in many ways. It brings a smile to my face when I see the person across from me surprised at the sense of humour my spirit guides have. One particularly mischievous comment (more…)

The life of a medium

Filed under: Clairaudience — Vivien on December 4, 2012

Most people who see me working as a medium tend to think I am aware of spirit all the time; day and night. Paranormal activity is always an ongoing event; however, it does not mean that, as a medium, I am always aware of it.

When I am not working, the vibrations on which I would normally work with tend not to (more…)

Clairaudience explained

Filed under: Clairaudience — Vivien on November 20, 2012

Working mediums consider clairaudience to be a simple, yet useful tool for working with clients.

A medium who uses this type of gift will know it involves the hearing of voices or sounds. Despite its effectiveness, this gift can (more…)

Why various gifts are given to mediums and psychics

Filed under: Clairaudience,Clairvoyance,Psychic Mediums — Vivien on October 16, 2012

There are many gifts of awareness of spirituality, with different paths to use them, available to a medium or psychic.

If you check in a thesaurus the descriptions of the words ‘psychic’ can also be found under ‘clairvoyant’ and ‘medium’. No wonder it can be confusing.

As a working medium I meet many people who wish to understand more about (more…)

How to connect with guardian angels

Filed under: Psychic Mediums — Vivien on August 7, 2012

While I am a practising medium, it can be difficult at times to answer individual queries by phone or text.

I realise that some of my would-be clients like to hear a voice on the other end of the phone, however most of my new clients try to contact me when I am in the middle of giving private readings or holding a session of Reiki.

My work has to be organised as it is not a 24-hour (more…)

How a medium’s gift can help to ease one’s grief

Filed under: Clairaudience,Clairvoyance — Vivien on July 31, 2012

When I am looking to make an appointment for a private reading in my home in Cheshire, it is hard to explain to my clients how my gift works.

The clairvoyant gift that was bestowed upon me to use to help others has been with me for a long time now; too many years to mention.

I believe it is my duty to pass on any communications (more…)

How to determine if you are a psychic

Filed under: Clairvoyance — Vivien on July 3, 2012

If you have a ‘knowing’ of events or have a sudden awareness of daily events before they occur then you could be psychic.

Clairvoyants believe that when all babies are first born, boy or girl, they are psychic.
Most adults lose their psychic awareness and are not able to give others around them a clairvoyant message because their minds are too full of the problems of day to day life.

Some people are able to hang on to their mediumistic abilities and can often (more…)

How to recognise the usage of a mediumistic gift

Filed under: Psychic Mediums — Vivien on March 6, 2012

Mediums like me have the natural ability to raise a vibration high enough to hear or see what or who is around us. (more…)

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