Reiki energy and the flow of life

Filed under: Reiki — Vivien on October 23, 2012

Reiki is able to heighten the energies in our body. All humans and life forms are filled with a super universal life force energy that dominates the essence of our minds (more…)

How you can benefit from Reiki Healing

Filed under: Reiki — Vivien on September 18, 2012

I am a Reiki Master based in Ellesmere Port in Cheshire. When I read the story of the man who founded Reiki in 1922, I had to learn more about this new healing concept.

Mr Mikao Usu was a Japanese Buddhist monk who found and brought this healing concept to many people.

He learned lessons, and it was his mission to (more…)

How to use Reiki energy to clear emotional problems

Filed under: Reiki — Vivien on May 29, 2012

Taking responsibility for one’s actions and seeing that sometimes there is a recurring pattern in life can make a person give up hope.

It is best that a professional Reiki healer starts to (more…)

How to use Reiki healing to keep your pet in good health

Filed under: Reiki — Vivien on May 8, 2012

Reiki healing is an accepted therapy in spas and health clubs all over the world. This type of therapy is a way of relaxing the mind and body of humans, but your pet will soon snuggle up to you when they realise they too are receiving the healing properties of Reiki.

Cats and dogs can soon suffer from being lethargic and are often in need of (more…)

Why Reiki healing is good for you

Filed under: Reiki — Vivien on April 17, 2012

When we think of all the people living on this earth and the various animals that surround us, it is easy for us to take life for granted. (more…)

Reiki self-healing guide

Filed under: Reiki — Vivien on April 10, 2012

When you are a practitioner for Reiki, it is sometimes necessary to have a time to yourself during the day or evening to re-charge your batteries. (more…)

How Reiki healing is more than a tonic

Filed under: Reiki — Vivien on February 2, 2012

Each individual from the time they are born are filled with universal life energy and it is this force that is the essence of our lives and requires nurturing. (more…)

How reiki healing can change your life

Filed under: Reiki — Vivien on September 19, 2011

If you have ever wondered how Reiki healing works due to the fact that your human eyes can not see any physical changes happening, then read on. Reiki healing is a process that uses the world’s universal life force to raise and create a balance of natural energy that your body needs to keep it in good order. (more…)

Knowing when your Chakras need clearing

Filed under: Reiki,Spiritual Healing — Vivien on April 27, 2011

Our bodies are only flesh and blood, and will become fatigued when our energy levels are low. It’s worthwhile sparing a few moments a week to recharge these energy levels. If you find yourself feeling low, upset and tired, even after a good night’s sleep, your spirit body that looks after you is trying to tell you that your Chakras, situated in different around your body, are in need of attention.

Taking time to clear the Chakra wheels on a regular basis is an essential part of healing one’s mind and body. When a Reiki healer or spiritual healer is using their gift for healing, it is important to show a client how they can easily re energise themselves until their next appointment.

In my home in Cheshire, I value the information that I have and try to give my Reiki and spiritual healing clients a short Chakra clearing exercise to help them in their own personal time. Spiritual healing, Reiki healing and crystal healing sessions are a great way to lift a person’s energy levels, while at the same time helping them to overcome any lack of confidence and shyness.

My clients who visit me for a private reading or a healing session often state that while I am working they can see lights around my head, with pink, green and amethyst being the most recognisable.

I know by their observations that my Chakras are working correctly and they are looking after my energy levels.

How to recognise the different attributes of a spirit guide

Filed under: Reiki — Vivien on February 3, 2011

Mediums are known to be psychic, and will often use their guides in their work to help people by communicating with relatives and close friends, passing on messages. In other words they are the telephone link between two worlds. Most people believe that they are helped on their life’s pathway by a guide or a close member of their family who has passed over. Guides are often sought out by people when their personal life has thrown them something unexpected, such as illness, an accident, achieving something important or needing help in pursuing a new career.

In the spirit world, there are Ascended Masters, and these are the guides that help people with illness. Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters find that they are attuned to an Ascended Master when healing. Patients will often remark that although they knew the Reiki practitioner was giving healing at top half of their body, they could feel a light pressure on the lower part of the body at the same time. Buddha, Krishna, even Jesus are known to be Ascended Masters. Their focus is to heal as many people as possible, so therefore they do not stay with one healing instrument.

Ancestral Guides have a link with a person, as their quest is to help family members on their pathway, and some will have a blood connection while others may have the same religious connection as the person they are helping.Each and everyone of us is able to pick up psychic messages from their own personal guide, and more often than not the messages are received and dismissed as being the work of ones imagination.

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