Why various gifts are given to mediums and psychics

Filed under: Clairaudience,Clairvoyance,Psychic Mediums — Vivien on October 16, 2012

There are many gifts of awareness of spirituality, with different paths to use them, available to a medium or psychic.

If you check in a thesaurus the descriptions of the words ‘psychic’ can also be found under ‘clairvoyant’ and ‘medium’. No wonder it can be confusing.

As a working medium I meet many people who wish to understand more about (more…)

How a medium’s gift can help to ease one’s grief

Filed under: Clairaudience,Clairvoyance — Vivien on July 31, 2012

When I am looking to make an appointment for a private reading in my home in Cheshire, it is hard to explain to my clients how my gift works.

The clairvoyant gift that was bestowed upon me to use to help others has been with me for a long time now; too many years to mention.

I believe it is my duty to pass on any communications (more…)

How to determine if you are a psychic

Filed under: Clairvoyance — Vivien on July 3, 2012

If you have a ‘knowing’ of events or have a sudden awareness of daily events before they occur then you could be psychic.

Clairvoyants believe that when all babies are first born, boy or girl, they are psychic.
Most adults lose their psychic awareness and are not able to give others around them a clairvoyant message because their minds are too full of the problems of day to day life.

Some people are able to hang on to their mediumistic abilities and can often (more…)

How to decide if a clairvoyant training course is for you

Filed under: Clairvoyance — Vivien on December 28, 2011

Many times when I have given a private reading in home in Cheshire, clients will say they are interested in becoming a Clairvoyant or a Reiki healer.

When finding numbers to make use of (more…)

Setting the question straight on mediumship

Filed under: Clairvoyance,Spiritualism — Vivien on September 6, 2011

I am often approached by telephone and through my Mindenergy website asking for a palm reading or crystal bowl, and what people should do about their problems. I feel as though I have to explain why I do not regard myself as a fortune teller. I am a medium who is able to use the gifts of clairsentience, clairaudience and even clear seeing to give evidence of the after life. (more…)

Top 3 questions about clairvoyant readings

Filed under: Clairvoyance — Vivien on December 13, 2010

Most people, when they first meet a medium, will ask these three questions listed below:

1.    What is a clairvoyant?

The word Clair- which is at the forefront of the words clairvoyant, clairsentient and (more…)

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